How to properly care for oily skin

Oily skin facial always stand out with its bold shine, enlarged pores, acne rash, in comedones, and other problems. Causes may include: improper care, poor-quality cosmetics, an inactive lifestyle, bad habits, genes, stress and so on. To avoid such unpleasant moments, it needs a regular intensive care.

care for oily skin

If you worry about oily skin of the face, then the selection of sebum (a liquid fat) to increase the shine will be more pronounced. The pores will start to clog up not only dirt and dust, but also fat fat, necrotic cells. Appear even more blackheads, comedones, inflammation may occur, of irritation. This will lead to serious problems and diseases of the skin sheets.

The same effect will be, if you choose the wrong financial means to care. At least should be just for oily skin. In the ideal case, it is necessary to choose the means, among which are useful and necessary components. The wrong choice means can reverse the result, which will only worsen the condition of the skin and adds new problems. This is the reason why this article is dedicated to selecting the right resources for the care of the bold type of skin sheets.

The most common myths about oily skin

Very often women are faced with the generally accepted terms for this type of skin. Many, unfortunately, are incorrect, and applied to the owners of the fat of the epidermis in a mistake. From this begins with the wrong choice of cosmetics, resources for care. Effect in the best case not see. In the worst case – of the disease and deterioration of the skin sheets. It is necessary to solve the most common myths that prevent girls to properly care for themselves.

Myth №1.

The surface of the oily skin more rough. In the greater part consists of dead cells. For contact with the cream on the desired layer of the epidermis, is "dead", it should be carefully cleaned.

Quite a common myth, due to which they suffer a lot. The fact that the skin is a living organism that consists of cells. Yes, there are and dead skin particles, but to their little, because the cells are updated. Complete the five-year period is twenty-eight days. On the surface of the face there is a coating that is a mess to clean up. Yes, after cleansing, tone leveled, and the skin becomes cleaner. But don't do it too rough, and especially if the skin is prone to oiliness.

Keratocytes (dead skin cells) – still part of a living organism. They themselves die off and are cleaned from the surface of the epidermis, in such a manner that keeps the stable operation of all systems. If it is the expression of (death) be too intense – using daily scrubs and scrub, then starts the opposite effect. The skin begins to produce more sebum, which serves the protection and lubrication. Starting hyperkeratosis – when the surface of the epidermis is sealed, it becomes much coarser and stronger.

Myth №2.

caring for oily facial skin cleansing

Peeling must necessarily be difficult. Rub your face I have to "to scrape".

Due to the fact that you have oily skin increased oiliness, many girls believe that for cleaning you need to apply firm and solid components – abrasives. Or in stores, where they recommend peeling on the basis of crushed shells of nuts.

This scrub is dangerous and is strictly prohibited. Solid particles remove the skin fat, but also creates small scratches that are not visible until a certain time. Due to the rough treatment, activates the activity of the sebaceous glands, and the wound begins to numb the sebum. It will be therefore inflammation of the wound. In addition, the abrasives small enough and sharp. They can easily clogged pores, hurt, start the inflammatory process, or worse still – forming acne.

Use a scrub with hard abrasives, may be once a month. This is not to rub. When it resolves, made light, with massage, and that's all. If it is necessary urgently even out skin tone – once a month scrub do can. But for daily use it is necessary to apply only mild cleansers.

Myth №3.

The skin should be dry.

This is one of the most dangerous of the incorrect claim. It, that the skin is covered with liquid fat, doesn't mean that a lot of moisture. Moisture and oiliness – the concepts are different. Bold the epidermis is constantly looking for the balance between the levels of moisture and the release of sebum. If you enjoy remittit funds – the effect will be pleasant. These medicines pull the remaining moisture from the cells of the epidermis, but on the sebum excretion is not affected.

On the contrary, if the humidity is insufficient, activate the work of sebaceous glands. Begin to intensively produce sebum, which will be replenished moisture loss. But it is not very save, and then in the cells is not enough moisture and fat to the face has become even greater. Skin veil lose their tone, are beginning to explore the folds and wrinkles, the beginning of dehydration. And then no more mats napkins won't help.

The first thing you need to do in this case is to stop dry skin veils. It is necessary to stop using the alkaline soap and alcohol-based lotions. Most dry skin and help it, sebum. For daily washing, it is worth Sebo regulans foam. It does not affect the amount of moisture in the cells, but it calms the sebaceous glands and removes excess shine. After washing, it is possible to use a tonic that moisturize and soothe the epidermis.

Use alcohol-based lotions is necessary, but in individual cases. For the drying of the pimple, or struggle with acne, these drugs cause the point to the problem area. This way you can prevent extreme drying of the skin sheets. Wipe this means the whole face is strictly prohibited!

Myth №4.

In everyday remittit – fat disappear.

Get rid of the discharge of sebum is impossible. Scientific study has not yet been able to confirm the fact, about how to get rid of sebum forever. On the type of skin can have the effect of improper nutrition. Those who call the cause of the copious discharge of liquid fat – is wrong.

The type of leather is created by nature, is it mortgaged genetically. It is impossible, for example, the change is height or eye color. Also the type of skin cover.

Myth №5.

caring for oily facial skin rejuvenation

Hydration is not necessary, as the liquid oil has a moisturizing effect.

The status of moisture and the discharge of sebum – the variety of concepts. Liquid fat on the surface of the face, and the moisture inside the cells. Under the action of external environmental factors (a sharp change of temperature, cold, heat, strong wind, stress) moisture begins to evaporate. At this level of greasiness to the epidermis remains intact. The same thing happens, if during the daily washing of the face clean the face, but do not moisturize the hair tonic, cream or lotion. Moisture balance in the cells affected.

To avoid such situation it is necessary to use moisturizing creams. It is also necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the ages. In the moisturizing cream for young skin should the true story of the hyaluronic acid, for women from 40 years old is the oil, jojoba oil, collagen.

The cream should have a light, lean and it is advisable to gel texture. In the composition may not be oils that may be clogging pores and creating foci of inflammation.

Home care

In bold type face requires an attentive and intensive care. To had no problems, it is necessary to choose only the useful cosmetics .that won't hurt, but on the contrary, help to cope with the unpleasant phenomena of this type of skin. It is very hard to find something like this on the shelves of the usual cosmetic store.

It is better to use medical cosmetics or other pharmaceutical preparations. Useful will be the ones in the composition, which has the following components.

  1. Vitamin a. It may be the retinol. It is the active ingredient, which cope well with the acne rash, acne, acne. Sold a lot of equipment with retinol in the department of cosmeceuticals (medical cosmetics). Apply the medication is to be only in a certain period of time. Don t it make sense to use constantly, because components are addictive.
  2. Alpha-hydroacids (ANA). It may be a fruit acid (almond acid, malic acid, citric acid and glycolic acid and other). They are part of creams, masks, scrubs and pharmacy resources for the care of oily and problem facial skin. Cleans pores, removes excess fat, regulate the process of allocation of liquid fat.
  3. Trace elements. It is zinc, sulfur, copper oxides. They are perfectly cope with the skin rash, comedones. Have anti-inflammatory. Sanitized and normalization the condition of the skin sheets.
  4. Betta-hydroacids (BHA). This salicylic acid and hyaluronic acid. Often you can come across gels for washing the face, tonics, lotions, purchase of masks and creams. Narrows the pores, cleanses the face, removes excess sebum, dries acne.
  5. Essential oils. Natural ingredients that soften and moisturize the epidermis. Effect of essential oils of eucalyptus and tea tree oil is scientifically proven. They soothe and remove inflammation.
care for oily skin moisturizer
In addition to these components, it is desirable that the vehicle and other additives, which also help cope with problems associated with oily skin. It is the extract of chamomile, celandine, st. john's wort, gingko-biloba, calendula, nettle and others. Increase the immunity of the skin, nourish it, improve the state of the cells, improve the condition of the surface of the epidermis.


Cleaning – the main phase of the care of the bold type of the surface of the face. There is a daily and regular cleansing. The first thing is that washing with warm water and cleansing gels, foam and other. The procedure to perform the morning and evening to restore tone and tone cleanse from the remnants of make-up and normalization of work of sebaceous glands.

Regular cleaning – masks, scrubs, peeling, mechanical cleaning, darsonvalization. It is necessary to perform them, but not so often as washing. It acts on the skin a veil stronger. Removes excess sebum, treats acne rash, comedones, rejuvenate cells, purified and narrow pores, Mat and moisturize. Every procedure is carried out at different times, but the regular comprehensive performance – gives good results.


Hydration – no less important procedure. Many people believe that oily skin – moist skin. However, it is not so. Everything that was described above (myth # 5). Hydration is also necessary to perform every day, such as for one day, the body loses about half a liter of water. In addition to ordinary drinking water, excess skin cover the necessary moisturizing agents. It can be creams, tonics, masks, creams.

Most often the hydration is carried out immediately after purification. After washing the face with cleansers to wipe face moisturizing tonic or applying a moisturizing cream. Hydration is not giving your skin ageing, rejuvenates the cells, supports their strength and flexibility.


Skin needs intensive nourishment. In addition to vitamins, which come into the body every day, for epidermis in need of nourishing cream. Masks, lotions. You can buy or make yourself. Basic nutritional ingredients: oatmeal, honey, cinnamon, coffee, essential oils and extracts of herbs.

Professional care

Care about a skin cover, you can not just yourself. If there is a desire and money, you can turn to professionals. Beauty salons that offer new technologies and drugs to help cope with the problems of the skin sheets. The wizard begins its work, with the preparation of certain procedures for treatment. They rely on one of the main problems. The direction of the treatment may be based on:

  • the alignment of the tone of the epidermis;
  • the rejuvenation of the cells;
  • correction of age changes;
  • whitening;
  • cleansing and narrowing the pores;
  • renewal of skin sheets;
  • vallum;
  • removal of inflammatory processes.

To entrust such a procedure is the need of professionals. They, in turn, you must meet the following:

professional care for oily skin
  1. Offer several different treatment options that will help you solve the problem.
  2. Explain how the work procedure or the product. To find out whether it is an allergic reaction to components of the drug.
  3. Taking into account the individual peculiarities of the client.


It is a cosmetic procedure, which is based on rejuvenation of cells. Using an injection or a special device into the layers of the epidermis injectable composition of hyaluronic acid and drugs-vitamin complex. This in turn slows down the aging of cells, contributes to the regeneration of the skin sheets, activates the accelerated metabolism.

The procedure is recommended only to girls, after 25 to 40 years. It tightens the skin, rejuvenates the cells.

Professional peeling

Professional peeling – this is a deep cleansing facial, which is not only constricts pores, but also removes wrinkles, relieves inflammation, rejuvenates the cells. Peels are carried out in different ways.

  1. Mechanical effect – sanding of the skin sheets using a diamond dust and special brushes.
  2. Chemical effect – the top layer of the skin apart from using the acids (lactic, fruit, amino acids).
  3. Physical effects – cleanses the epidermis using ultrasound or laser.
The number of treatments depends on skin condition and desired result.

Salon masks

These masks are expensive, but the result is impressive to many. After application, the skin becomes pure, smooth, without acne and excess fat. The composition of such a mask depends on skin type.


care for oily skin face mask

Massage – cosmetic procedure, which is very useful for all skin types. Massage struggling with oedema, the second chin, the active release of sebum, unclear contours of the face and wrinkles.

For each zone of the face used own massage. They are divided in classic, pizzicato and plastic.


A good is a cosmetic procedure that operates on pores and excessive secretion of fat by changing the high voltage and the frequency of the current. It's slightly uncomfortable, but very powerful. During treatment: 12 treatments. Then it can be repeated after four months.