Unique medicinal herbs for skin rejuvenation

It is known that herbal medicine is effective not only in the treatment of tincture and decoction. Useful properties of this plant, for centuries successfully used for maintaining the beauty and freshness of the skin.

Many women prefer to spend money on expensive anti-canus makeup, and prefer natural natural remedies. Herbs for face wrinkle help not only refresh the skin. Do not contain preservatives and other chemical compounds that are added to the industrial make-up.

The benefits of herbs for skin

Herbs on the skin of the face

Herbs have unique effects on the skin.They have anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, nourishing and toning properties. Plants are this fount of useful substances. In their chemical composition has everything necessary for skin care ingredients, such as:

  • Trace elements. Protects skin from the harmful effects of external influence, are involved in all metabolic processes. Stimulate the development of natural collagen, which restores skin firmness.
  • Vitamins. They are involved in the processes of cellular exchanges, stimulates cell regeneration, nourishes the declining extent into the dermis.
  • Essential oils. Regenerates the skin, saturate it with oxygen, slowing down the process of aging. They have antioxidant effects.
  • Peptides and amino acids. Activates the process of cell renewal and the production of its own collagen. Amino acids are able to penetrate into the deeper layers of the epidermis, smoothing even the deepest wrinkles.
  • Tannins. Reduce edema, regulates functioning of the sebaceous glands. Astringent action tightens the deflectens the skin.
  • The organic acid. Accelerate the renewal of skin sheets, stimulate the production of collagen. Have a moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.
  • Alkaloids. The tone of the skin.
  • Glycosides. Effectively cleans and bleach the skin. They help with hyperpigmentation.
  • Flavonoids. Strengthen the blood vessels. Protects the skin from uv radiation and free radicals.
  • Volatile. The strongest source of resistance of the infectious and inflammatory processes on the skin.

Herbs to fight aging

Before the start of rejuvenating treatments from herbs, it is necessary to define the goal to which you strive. Procedures can be aimed at the removal of inflammation or hyper-pigmentation, toning and firming sheets, as well as the overall rejuvenation of the skin and get rid of wrinkles. Herbs for wrinkles applies, taking into account the skin type:

  • For oily skin are suitable hypericum perforated, wormwood, agrimony common (burdock), salvia, nettle, succession, Butterbur, mother-and-stepmother.
  • Dry derma blooms, after use these herbs, such as dandelion, fennel, parsley, thyme, that of yarrow, rosemary, ash, lemon balm, lavender, chamomile pharmacy, calendula, pine cones hops and rose petals.
  • The issue requires careful care. Ensure you verbena, aloe, celandine, immortelle, calendula, mint pepper and horsetail field.

How to instantly remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes?

We start on the famous, expensive and very dangerous method of facial rejuvenation - botox. Yes, botox is one of the most effective methods to get rid of wrinkles. In addition, it's not exactly a cheap procedure, no one is talking about side activities, which will sooner or later appear for each. Here are just some of them:

  • problems with vision;
  • shortness of breath, speech disorders and deglutitio functions;
  • the abundant rash on the skin;
  • itching in the area of application of botox;
  • increased heart rate;
  • feeling of overall weakness and exhaustion;
Pharmacy remedies for rejuvenation

Crafty traders, they go on everything, make the most advertise this or that cream, their mission is to sell, and not help people.

We want to warn you, the expensive anti-wrinkle makers, who will guarantee the outcome - it is a normal cheap moisturiser. It's not worth it to fight on their tricks, even though on the packaging of this or that tool "smart words" it is written, how and by what ingredients acts of their product.
Folk remedies

A huge advantage of folk remedies is that they are all based on natural ingredients and at least will not cause harm to the body. But as practice shows a sense of them is so little, barely noticeable result.

Recipes for skin rejuvenation

Face care herbs

Type beauty treatments and a selection of herbs depends on the structure of the skin. Care is carried out by using various cosmetic methods:

  • Mask;
  • Compress;
  • Lotions and tonics;
  • Led;
  • The steam baths.

Anti-aging herbal masks constrict and nourish the skin. They fill her substances, which stimulate cell regeneration and collagen production. Before you apply the mask, clean and steam the skin. After removing the mask layer of a maintenance cream. Making procedure is recommended 2 times a week.

Recipe 1. Restore fading skin will help mask of sage, linden flowers, st. john's wort and chamomile pharmacy. Prepare a mask it is possible to from the dried or fresh raw material, which is taken in equal parts, for 30 grams. If herbs are dried, it is necessary to grind them in a coffee grinder. Fresh plant crushed in a blender. Dry powder is cooked with a small amount of boiling water and leave for 5 minutes. Porridge made from fresh plants lightly press, the juice shall be kept in separate containers. To the resulting mass (in both cases) add one tablespoon of sour cream and olive oil. Stir thoroughly, and then applied to the skin of the face. Keep the mask need at least 10 minutes.

The juice from fresh herbs, compiled in the process of cooking the mask, dilute 1 tbsp vodka and 1 tbsp of water. Use the resulting composition in the morning, like a lotion.

Recipe 2. In the composition of this mask contains herbs for skin rejuvenation of the face. This is verbena, sage, aloe, pine cones hops and agrimony common. The method of preparation of the mask is the same as in the first recipe. But, instead of sour cream used 1 tbsp of honey, divorced in half with warm milk. With regular use of this instrument, visibly smooth out not only to mimic, but also deep wrinkles.

Compresses and lotions

Tiles and tools help cleanse the skin and saturate its useful substances. For them to use decoctions or infusions of all the herbs of wrinkles. For better action, enough to five different herbs in one vehicle.

Preparation of the decoction of the proceeds in the following manner:

  • Herbs, taken in equal proportions, pour over boiling water. Holding on a water bath, not less than 10 minutes. On the 1 hr. l. dry raw materials, or on 50 gg fresh herbs, 200 ml of water.
  • The finished broth filtered, cooled, and stored in the refrigerator no more than two days.

Recipe for the preparation of tinctures contains the same ratio of ingredients and the liquid, because when cooking a decoction from Different tincture to the fact that instead of water use vodka, and the composition is not subjected to thermal processing. Just combine all the ingredients, then insist the composition, in a dark place, not less than 10 days. The finished device stored in the darkening stretch, cool place.

Of the tincture you are preparing tonics and lotions. Enough to dilute infusion of boiled, but cold water, in the ratio of 1:1.5.

Boil the milk and can be on the basis of the dry white wine. For this suit of verbena, pharmacy chamomile and aloe juice. All ingredients are taken in 1 tbsp of mince Mix and pour 250 ml of wine. Insist 10 days. use lotions and tonics preferably 2 times a day, alternating between the means.

Cosmetic ice Ice cubes on the face

Led, on the basis of herbs for skin rejuvenation, is a great preventive remedy. His constant application tones the skin and keeps it fresh for a long time.

Preparing the ice from the broth of herbs, pour it into cookie cutters, and freeze in the freezer.

Steam baths

Such a procedure is carried out for cleaning the face before using the mask. Fragrant steam not only deeply opens and cleanses the pores. Essential oils, issued under the influence of warm water, nourish and protect the skin. Steam tray also serves as the aromatherapy procedure, it helps to relieve fatigue and stress.

The rules of the use of phytocosmetics

Herbs from wrinkles on the face, you can use in the form of decoctions, herbal extracts or extracts. For their preparation is suitable as pharmacy raw materials and the plants, harvested on their own. Buy herbs can also be on the market, at the herbalist, or over the internet. Duration of storage of fresh herbs, does not exceed three days (in a cool place). Cook from them necessary means it is advisable to immediately after collection. Dry herbs can be used at any time.

Before using herbal remedies for wrinkles spend test for allergies. A small amount of detergent to apply on the inner part of the elbow bend, and leave for 24 hours. If you experience redness or irritation of the skin, the device can be safely used for cosmetic treatments.

There are some contraindications for the use of herbs as remedies against aging. It is malignant tumors, and individual intolerance. In the presence of skin wounds and recent scars, herbs can only be used after consultation with a specialist.

Herbs from wrinkles on the face have a positive effect, if the funds on the basis thereof is applied periodically for a long time. Also, it is recommended to periodically alternate means and types of cosmetic procedures.