Effective facial rejuvenation - procedure, those reviews, after 50 years, in domestic conditions

Not every woman can accept the fact that with age the skin becomes more flabby, there appear wrinkles and pigment spots, which are treacherously give away the age of its owner.

What to do when age takes?

It is enough for the preservation of youth skin thorough care of her?

Let's see in the article the most effective procedure for facial rejuvenation that helps to restore freshness and healthy color of the skin of the face, smooth out small and make a discreet deep wrinkles.

Modern methods of facial rejuvenation

Today in modern cosmetology secrete some effective ways of skin rejuvenation:

  • cosmetic;
  • by injection;
  • hardware rejuvenation.

Conventionally, these methods can be divided into those which are carried out in the interior environment and at home treatments.

If you want to answer the question: "What is this rejuvenation is better?", consider in more detail each of the options.

A cosmetic method of prolonging youth

It is important to note, that with using the cosmetics can lead to relentless fight against aging, only in this case, when a woman first appears on his face the initial manifestations of age changes.

If cosmetic products for skin care selected correctly, then the effectiveness of this method in the fight with aging will take place.

In this use of the funds one cosmetic line will be more effective in the struggle with the manifestation of wrinkles, loss of elasticity and hypersensitive, and so sp

On the results of the action of various cosmetic products you can learn after reading the reviews on the website of the manufacturers or on the forum, where are discussed the different methods of skin rejuvenation.

However, it is believed that after 40 years old will be more efficient use of the more serious anti-aging methods.

Not worth it to ignore and as a method of influence, contributes to rejuvenation, such as facial massage, the neck and the area of the neckline.



Unfortunately, to date, facial massage for rejuvenation – it's not the most popular cosmetic procedure in the beauty salon.

However, this method of rejuvenation goes a long time ago and allows you to stop aging of the skin, prolonging its youth.

Women, which they forget to do a facial massage by yourself or in the environment of the beauty salon look about 5-10 years younger than her peers.


The course is to carry out the massage helps to improve blood circulation in the skin, which leads to the improvement of metabolic processes.

In consequence, cells are freed from the toxins and get more oxygen and nutrients.

By acting on acupressure points to occur to improve muscle tone, which leads to smoothing of wrinkles.


The procedure is recommended to carry out in the event that:

  • the lack of moisture;
  • reduction of turgor;
  • premature wilting of the skin.

When carrying out massage using the following tricks:

  • the friction of the skin;
  • tingling;
  • stroking.

Before you perform the procedure on the skin applying a massage cream or oil. In the case of the facilities agent is added, because massage is effective only in the case that the technology of its execution is not compromised.

During a treatment the hands of a beautician must gently glide over the surface of the skin, in any case, shifting it and without stretching.

To achieve the desired result, the duration of the procedure should be from 40 minutes or more. The course is required a minimum of 6 treatments-classic massage.

Plastic facial massage

This procedure is indicated in the presence of:

  • oily skin;
  • swelling;
  • age spots;
  • mimic wrinkles.

In contrast to the classical technology, the implementation of plastic massage is a more powerful effects on the skin.

Get the expected effect, it is necessary to hold 10 sessions, duration of each half – hour.

Both types of massage can be performed both in the salon and at home.

Before, how to perform a self massage, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the skin from impurities. Hands must also be impeccably clean.


Features rejuvenation by injection is the availability of a demonstrable effect immediately after the first session.

On the basis of the injection method is the introduction in the skin of the natural cures that have an impact on the structure of the skin.

A course of injectable rejuvenation:

  • it stimulates the production of skin elastin and collagen;
  • strengthens the regenerative processes;
  • has an effect on the tone of mimic muscles of the face.
effective rejuvenation of the

Consequently, the effect of the course procedures persists for a long time.

It is important to know that anti-aging injections should be carried out only by an experienced world-class physician, and only in a medical facility.


Injection correction is not recommended:

  • during pregnancy and in the lactation period;
  • during exacerbation of viral or infectious disease;
  • in the presence of inflammation at the site of injection;
  • if history is the defeat of the CNS;
  • in the epilepsy.

Varieties of injection correction

The most common treatments of rejuvenation using injection – is it botox, mesotherapy and contouring.

Botox Injections (Dysport)

This method is recognized around the world in anti-aging. It is one of the ways the rejuvenation of the skin by the normalization of tone of mimic muscles of the face.

The technique allows to get rid of wrinkles without resorting to surgery.

  • Botox injections perfectly tighten the skin of the face. In the composition of the preparation contains botulinum toxin type Aa
  • Due to the reduction of motor activity of the muscle fibers to smooth out wrinkles and the skin is leveled.
  • Written doses of the drug are minimal, which ensures its safety. In addition to its complete elimination from the body within a few days.

In compliance with the specialist the proper dosage product has no effect on the expression of the face.

In case of violation of guidelines on the introduction of Dysport may occur the following complications:

  • violation of the symmetry of the face;
  • the frozen expression of surprise;
  • ptosis of the corners of the eyes and eyebrows.

Should pay attention to the fact that when administration of the drug, is perhaps the presence of allergic reactions due to individual intolerance.

To maintain the long-term effect of treatments, it is necessary to perform a course of three or four treatments with an interval of from four to eight months.

At what age spend

The acceptable age for holding the rejuvenation of Botox injections – 18 – 65 years.

But a majority of experts do not recommend to perform the injection of people under the age of 25 years, so as the biological aging of the body begins at this age.

At the present time as miracle injections are available for most women, because of the lack of pain and affordable prices.



This method provides for the introduction in the skin of biologically active substances (amino acids, vitamins), resources, motivational processes, regeneration and synthesis of collagen fibers and elastin, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs.

  • After a session of mesotherapy do not remain traces from injections.
  • Redness and swelling at the site of a stab pass quickly: in approximately an hour.

If a technology implementation is not broken, it is due to aseptic inflammation begin to do this, growth hormones, and triggers the synthesis of collagen and elastin.

The result of the procedure is the following:

  • the elasticity and suppleness of the skin increases;
  • improve hydration and blood flow;
  • the skin becomes fresh and taut.

Mesotherapy can be combined with other rejuvenating techniques.


For organizing konturní sculpture applying a special filler (filler), which they insert deeply into the skin.

With their help, you can give the tissues the extra volume and equipment damaged facial contours.

For the procedure apply special gels: based on hyaluronic acid, collagen or combined.

The drug the doctor chooses depending on the persecuted targets.

When paying

Contouring is effective in the presence of the following problems:

  • wrinkles;
  • scars;
  • the lack of volume of the face in the middle and lower part;
  • if the required correction of the shape of the lips and other areas of the face.

Currently, contouring is the most effective direction in the field of facial rejuvenation without surgery, because the patient can see the result immediately.

Reinforcement thread

Apply absorbable or non-absorbable fibers.

The first more than desirable, because of the limit to minimize the side effects and potential risks of the procedure. Absorbable are made on the basis of lactic acid, and therefore are close in composition to the tissues of the body.

the result-the rejuvenation

Masonite – it's ultra-thin fiber, made on the basis of lactic acid or hyaluronic acid. Their injected under the skin, that make up the frame and tighten the skin.


This technique is also injection.

In the skin is introduced to oxy-ozone mixture, thanks to her restored metabolism, occurs to the enrichment of cells with oxygen, stimulates the flow of lymph, activates the synthesis of collagen and elastin.


Under the skin injecting your own plasma, pre-peeled and enriched with useful substances.

Feature of the procedure is that with medicinal purpose, it uses its own components of blood.

Hardware methods

Hardware cosmetology – is the most painless method, with minimal risk to health.

This method of rejuvenation is based on the effects on the skin a veil of special devices.

In addition to the anti-aging effect of the use of the device allows you to spend a therapeutic effect on the skin.

In beauty salons today, there is a large selection of hardware procedures, which eliminate the age-related changes.

One of the oldest methods – peeling.

This procedure is aimed at removing the top layer of the epidermis, after which the skin starts the process of formation of new cells.

In the result, the skin gains a fresh and well maintained appearance. But the peeling, which you can do at home is different from the critical salon.

Hardware peeling

In the salon to update the top layer of the skin is possible using brossazh, laser or ultrasonic peeling.


It is the most gentle type of peeling.

He carefully grinds the skin, in addition, enriches it with oxygen, which has for its condition the beneficial effects.


Using a laser beam is going to evaporate the top layer of the skin, consequently the skin is regenerated and purified.

The effectiveness of the method is in what is happening the extermination not only of small mimic wrinkles, but also deep, such as those that are located in the region of the nasolabial triangle.

At the present time almost all respect each other beauty salons apply the laser skin rejuvenation.


It's a bit of an outdated method, but it's not lost its relevance.

Using special brushes are going on the removal of dead skin cell layers. Get the result of the procedure must be done several times.

It should be noted that this procedure does not smoothens the wrinkles.

Today it is no secret that the sun is harmful effect on the skin, causing its photodegradation. To defend this process in the salons have become use techniques fotoomlazování skin is exposed to the action of.


Effective facial rejuvenation has become possible with the advent of these methods, such as elos-rejuvenation.

The Hardware method-based technology ELOS is today recognized as the most fashionable and popular.

During the session there occurs the penetration of radio waves into the deeper layers of the skin without disturbing its integrity.

After the impact of the light and radio wave radiation, the skin becomes clean and smooth, fades pigmentation, wrinkles and vascular asterisks.

As a result mnoholetých clinical tests, this method is recognized as safe.

  • During the action of the device on the skin using a powerful system of cooling of the skin.
  • For the implementation of the procedure is not required special preparation.
  • During the session, the patients may feel heat and tingling.
  • After termination of the treatment may appear a slight redness, which disappear after a few days.
  • Exposure duration – from half an hour to an hour.
  • The lack of rehabilitation period.


Under the influence of the laser beam on the skin, leads to elimination of its stratum corneum. The skin is updated, smoothed, wrinkles disappear.

juvenile-a person