Skin rejuvenation of the face with his own hands

Facial rejuvenation

Eat to stay young and beautiful as possible. This natural process of the aging of the us are not satisfied. Particularly sensitive to his view in the mirror, looking for rescue in beauty salons, or even as in much of plastic surgeons. The aim of this publication tell you about a skin rejuvenation facial with his own hands at home. What we can focus on ourselves?

Know the enemy in the face

Why we age and change on the outside? Why some look much younger than the other, without resorting to the help of plastic surgeons? For elaboration of own strategy of rejuvenation, it is very important to know.

Imagine that we start aging from 18 years! Our skin does not stay young forever and not grow old. This process is inevitable. And we have to accept it.

In the first place arise from the excessive skin in the eye area, a small, barely visible wrinkles in the corners of the eyes; neglected by the outer corners of the eyebrows, the nasolabial folds. This happens up to 30 years.

When already for 40 years, the primary signs of skin aging manifest themselves stronger and gain new ones: the heavier the eyelids, the skin on the chin becomes flabby, dips on the cheeks, between the eyebrows is manifested by a large wrinkle.

To 50 years in our faces because of the sagging almost coincide with the chin. And oh, the horror, the face loses its clear contours! Sometimes it extends to the tip of the nose.

60 years of celebrating the obvious changes, the skin becomes thinner and drier, giving rise to deep wrinkles.

We distinguish several types of facial aging in women:
  1. Tired of the face is manifested by a decrease in the elasticity of the skin. In the morning after a good night's sleep it looks rested and fresh, but the evening return is clearly senile expression. This aging is characteristic for oily or combination skin. The reason for this can be a frequent stress, smoking, fatigue, get enough sleep.

  2. Wrinkled face for sensitive delicate skin. Small wrinkles cover the entire surface of the eye. Reasons: frequent and long stay in the sun, dry skin.

  3. Gravitatis type exposed to obese women with the weighted features of the face. Due to excess subcutaneous fat, the wrinkles virtually no, but over time they form a dense saggy folds. Causes: being overweight, the incidence of other diseases, oily skin.

  4. The combined view refers to the early aging of the face. In this case, manifested various symptoms of several types. Here and wrinkles, and decreased elasticity of the skin and sagging cheeks. Their cause is a large amount of free radicals in the body and long-term exposure to uv radiation.

  5. At least visible traces of facial aging with the skin, with a small layer of subcutaneous tissue – it is the muscle aging process. First to form wrinkles near the eyes (crow's feet), then begin to wane fat folds over the top for centuries and expressed the nasolabial. The reason is one – the age.

Despite the different morphotypes of aging, their causes at all common. There is a premature and natural ageing of the crop. The other happens gradually, according to the program of the biological transformation of the cells.

The main causes of premature aging:
  • violation of blood circulation;
  • the failure of hormonal background;
  • the slow recovery of the cells;
  • dehydration;
  • effect of uv radiation;
  • stress;
  • lack of vitamins and trace elements;
  • heredity;
  • the abuse of liquor;
  • smoking;
  • the unfavorable environment;
  • the lack of facials.

How to maintain?

Sooner or later we ask the questions: "How to stop aging? How to stop facial aging? How to rejuvenate your face?" Here is a very important individual approach. You need at least a consultation of the competent doctor-cosmetologist, who carefully surveys your face, and not only advise you to cream and massage, but also will advise you on what type of food you choose will help determine what exactly is missing your face, how to fill the shortage of vitamins and trace elements in the body.

Even if the skin is in his youth, in perfect condition, it is necessary from time to time to visit the beautician in prophylactic purposes. In both prophylactic purposes the woman definitely visit a gynecologist, mammography 1 times per year, even if nothing hurts. Unnoticeable at first glance, the symptoms of facial aging expert will be able to identify at an early stage. He will tell you exactly what needs to be done to preserve the freshness of the skin for a long time. Selects cosmetic products and explain how to properly use them.

Wrinkles and age changes

But even separately, it is possible, if not prevent, then to slow down the aging of the stand faces. For example, do the exercises, apply the mask and keep home treatments for rejuvenation.

Consultation with a cosmetologist is quite possible to afford. Even better afford Supplements, regular use that are very helps in the fight against aging.

Bath or a sauna, masks and lotions from the pharmacy the means, gymnastics, self-massage — the most affordable and popular methods and means to preserve the beauty and youth.

Rejuvenation begins with cleaning. It's the law!

Cleansing should be not only superficial, but also affect the deeper layers of the skin. On the basis of cleaning involves a maximum cleaning of the pores and their intense bottleneck, because they will become the accumulation of dust and sebum.

To the domestic procedures were the most effective, it is important to perform a few simple recommendations:

  • Must adhere to hygiene, can be used only sterile tools.
  • Apply a cleansers need to clean and steamed skin — for example, after the adoption of the hot baths or a special steam trays. Thanks this will be supported by a deeper impact.
  • When using home remedies, it is advisable to take only natural ingredients. But it also fits perfectly and has already finished cosmetic products.
  • In the course of the week, the best option will be to carry out two cleaning procedures.
Homemade creams to herbs
Good skin rejuvenation homemade lotions.

Here are a few simple recipes for homemade lotions.

Peppermint lotion: 4-5 century ad pieces of fresh mint or 2 articles if dry pour boiling water (half a liter) and 10 minutes to cook on low heat. Cool, filter it, add to 1 tsp lemon juice and apple cider vinegar, 2 station al calendula tincture and 4 tsp boric alcohol, thoroughly stirred, poured into a bottle of dark glass and store in the refrigerator. Wipe this lotion a person must be in the morning and evening – the color of the skin will improve, it will be healthier and younger.

Cream of parsley is prepared a little differently. Dry (or fresh crushed) leaves and roots of plants (1 tbsp) pour a glass of boiling water and a half hours heated on a water bath; insist hour, filter it and add dry white wine (50-70 g). Wipe face morning and evening.

Masks for skin rejuvenation
  1. Mask of herbs. Take in equal parts linden leaves, wild strawberries, currants, yarrow, plantain; raw materials, thoroughly ground, mixed, and topped with 4 tbsp. l. mixture of boiling water – so as to create mush. When the mixture has cooled, in 15 minutes, spread on the face and neck; wash off with cold water.

  2. Mask with the juice of aloe. It is an excellent rejuvenating mask. In a porcelain or glass cup in the mixture the juice of aloe (years of 1 century ml) with olive oil (1 tsp), and the mixture is spread on a pre-steamed face. After 15 minutes, remove the mask with a damp cloth, and up a second whipped cream with ½ teaspoon of salt, raw egg white; holds 10 minutes and wash of a decoction of st. john's wort or sage. After the mask is applied your nourishing cream.

  3. Very useful and nutritious turns out the mask with banana, yogurt (2 articles l.) and honey (1 tbsp). Yogurt and honey is mixed with crushed fiber ½ banana porridge put on the face, hold for 15 to 20 minutes and wash off with warm water.

  4. Mask with milk: to the warm milk it is necessary to add so much flour that the mixture resembled the sour cream, then add the egg yolk, stir and put the mixture on a clean face. Hold 20 minutes, wash off with water with a small amount of lemon juice.

  5. Mask the protein, honey (1 tsp) and flour (2 tsp). Protein whip until foam, add a flour and honey, stir thoroughly, and 20 minutes do to clean the face. Wash off with warm water.

  6. Potatoes mask. Simple potatoes well helps rejuvenate the facial skin, particularly dry – smooth fine and not even very minor wrinkles. Just boil the potatoes in their skins in boiling water, clean, stretch and in the warm form to apply on the face. After 20 minutes rinse with warm water. To the puree of potatoes, it is possible to add a little milk or cream.

Say about rejuvenating mask for all skin types to fail, but it is possible to enumerate some of the active ingredients for masks.

  • For dull skin, they are good masks with the grated carrots, lemon juice and yogurt – they come back to her the freshness and healthy color.
  • Mask with fresh cucumber refresh and soothe tired skin; mask with bananas help to prevent the appearance of early wrinkles.
  • For oily skin are good masks, tomato, narrows the pores and tightens the skin mask of egg white and lemon juice; acne and rashes, helps to remove the mask with mint leaves.
  • Soften skin and remove dead skin cells, helps mask out of oat flour.
Rejuvenation at home you not only outside but also inside

There are many folk remedies, decontamination body, increases metabolism and stimulates cell renewal.

The real magic combination is obtained from current food: honey – 1 kg, lemons – 4 pcs., garlic – 3 heads, flaxseed oil – 200 ml Peeled garlic and lemons (2 peeled and 2 with bark) ground in a coffee grinder or blender, add honey and oil, stir everything with a wooden spoon and shift in a glass. Keep the medication is to be in the fridge, and take 3 times a day, after 1 century ml for half an hour before meals. After some time the facial skin and the entire body smooth and silky, improves the condition of nails and hair.

Simple and cheap home remedies for skin rejuvenation is very much – just learn more about them and choose for yourself the ones that excite you. Regular use of masks, scrubs, lotions, baths and other treatments help to return the skin smoothness, the freshness, elasticity and youthful appearance, and then the mood will be once again beautiful and life – exciting and joyful.

Be young and beautiful! Love yourself.